Sunday, October 24, 2010

I got a job. Or it got me, I'm not sure which.

2 notes first, I've done an interview with 'The Genre Traveler" over the phone, and it went really well. Y'all will have to wait until around valentines day before it 'airs' as a podcast. And y'know those VCON posts I just wrapped up? They're going to be in the next issue of BCSFAzine, a lil local magazine dealing with.. well, SF. And A. In BC. I don't know if they'll be using the entirety of my posts, or just cherry pick this and that, but the next issue in the middle of being edited.

So.. My job. I had considered my main job to be 'daddy' with a side of 'author', but my wife's work lost their 'office manager'. A call went out. And I ignored it. And the posting sat, unanswered. It's only eight hours a week, so people looking to pay rent with a job might not be too interested.

On the last day of the official listing, there were no applicants. So, when a desperate cry for a nerd is heard, there's (literally) only one man for the job!... And yet, due to the need to have the right paperwork, I still had to apply properly.

I need a what..? a res-oo-may? Man, I haven't seen one of those in nearly a decade! As I was facing the blank page, I recalled many a TV show where a stay at home mom re-enters the workplace. Oh, it wasn't that bad, I have a decent skillset, especially in contras to what they needed to be done. The employment history section was a little spotty looking, between self-employed contracts, and 3 bosses from separate wage jobs MIA... Two of whom could very well be in jail, for all I know.

"2001-present: wheelchair operator"
"2007-2008: Diaper changer"
"2007-present: Going insane on a steadily increasing rate."

Yeah, my resume was kind of an unorganized mess, as was my references sheet, but like I said, it was mostly to appease the paperwork gods. The interview, as per regulation, was conducted by multiple interviewees. Know what? Now giving a crap if you get the job makes the interview a lot easier. No stress. well, luckily, I had good answers, too. And I already knew a lot out the outfit, since I've been married to one of their staff for quite a while.

So bam, I'm working 2 days a week, 4 hours at a time. I do a tiny sliver of highly important data entry, I lick the occasional envelope, and attack the odd IT issue. Ooh, and graphical stuff. So far, it's pretty easy, other than having to ask where things are, and getting trapped inside the lobby after leaving a little later than she with the keys. Do I need keys? I hope not.

So I have the exalted title of OFFICE MANAGER now. And the other staff consist of 3 women. I will soon be installing an intercom into my office door, then I will only talk to them though this intercom, and they must call me Charlie.

OOH also.... Have I mentioned the new book? I may have mumbled a bit.. I'm setting up the scenario, naming characters, deciding on a working title.. and.. before I have that all nailed down... Y'all gonna have to wait! For those I have mentioned my ideas to, yes, the Bleeder appears to have won the contest of what idea I'll write next.

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